The Network Core components of MNaaS are designed to be repeatable & can be rolled out anywhere, which is why we offer them as a bundled service. The RAN components are anything but - every operator has different terrain, population density, requirements & constraints that impact the RAN design, implementation & operations.
RAN design Flow
This helps us to understand what the demands on the RAN will be, including the types of services offered (Mobile, Fixed Wireless or both), projected customer numbers, population densities, coverage goals, speeds and packages.)
Once we understand the needs of the network, we then look at what is required to achieve this. This means considering the spectrum held /available, proposed site locations, heights, transmission and power options.
Utilising ray-tracing RF modelling techniques we can understand band propagation, the impacts of terrain, foliage, clutter and multi-path in the network. These elements all assist us to develop the optimal solution within the constraints we are working with
Based on the solution selected we will select available key RAN components (radios, baseband and antennas) required to build each site
Using the particulars of the selected RAN equipment we perform the detailed RF modelling to understand coverage, speed and capacity throughout the target areas
RAN Design Results
This includes:
Maps and source files for the modelled areas, coverage maps
Predicted speeds
Areas with low coverage
Percentage of the population served
Percentage of households served
Road coverage
Cell edge zones etc.
A complete Bill of Materials including costings for the whole RAN solution and all components.
Costs for ongoing operation of the RAN (Licensing, support costs) and detailing available options.